In January 2020 I hit a low (or high) point with my weight and health. Extremely obese on a tiny 5′ tall body, high cholesterol and blood pressure, aching knees and hips, weak and no stamina. I was way older than my age of 53 years. The mountain I was facing to get out of this hole was very steep, and I really did not think I could succeed.
While internet surfing about weight loss, I stumbled across Ann Louise Gittleman’s Fat Flush and Smoothie Shakedown. I did ultimately decide to join a national, well known healthy weight loss program (Weight Watchers) but decided to incorporate the Smoothie and purchased the Fat Flush body protein, and Fat Flush supplements–Weight Loss Formula, Dieters Multivitamin, GLA. I had a Smoothie every day for lunch, which was always a problematic meal for me. I was amazed at how it satisfied and filled me up for the afternoon. I discovered the flax oil is a critical component after running out one time, and have made sure to have numerous bottles of the Omega Hi-Lignan flax oil stashed away ever since. I did burn through four blenders before getting my trusty Nutri Bullet.
My biggest surprise was how good I felt after my Smoothie. Satisfied, full of energy and alert. The Smoothie was very few “points” in my Weight Watchers day, so it allowed me to have a good breakfast and dinner, plus a small snack. I also faithfully took my supplements from Day 1. To my surprise, I could tolerate them and had zero ill effects. All other supplements I ever tried, even just regular multi vitamins, would cause stomach upset, gastro problems, breakouts, etc. I had gone cold turkey on everything–sugar, fast food, alcohol, cut my gigantic caffeine consumption to one cup of coffee per day–and never experienced the “crash” I feared or was lethargic or cranky in any way. I also was never ravenously hungry.
I truly believe these supplements made the difference in my ability to stick to the Weight Watchers program and live within my “points”. I incorporated other things as I went–hot lemon water in the morning (still one of my most favorite things), dandelion tea, CLA and Flora-Key, walking walking walking, strength training, glass after glass after glass of water. Though I am still not brave enough to make my Smoothie with the Daily Greens powder, I just can’t do it and will stick to berries. I hit my goaI weight on New Years Day this year, 2021. I lost 92.5 pounds since beginning January 27, 2020. I went from “plus size” 18 and 2X to the petite department size 4 or 2, and size small/xsmall. Strangely I find the “womens” department and petite departments in stores are right next to each other, so I can never forget where I was at.My cholesterol, blood sugar, fats have gone past normal to superior levels. My knees are still old and crabby but are much more functional and carry me a lot of miles every day. I am forever grateful the good Lord gave me all the tools I needed to do this, and that definitely includes Uni-Key Health. Smoothies are a permanent part of my life.